Detoxication instead of Poison-Treatment / Combined Naturopathic Treatments in a battle against cancer
Dec 22nd, 2005 - 1:36 p.m., Naturopathy Practice press kit [press kit]
Mallorca/Spain (ots) - Diagnosis cancer. A shock for patient and relatives. The Naturopathy Practice Herbert Ziesse on Mallorca has specialised in biological cancer treatment and focuses in their daily practice on improving the quality of life of cancer patients. Severe methods of treatment like chemotherapy stress the body extremely and are unjustifiable without accompanying measures like an oxygen-combination-therapy. The Naturopathy Practice Herbert Ziesse uses the interaction of coordinated naturopathic treatments as a complex packet of measures against the illness.
More fear of chemotherapy than of the illness itself
In Germany, every year more than 350,000 people fall ill to cancer. Many patients give up on themselves at an early stage because medics don't encourage them. Some are more afraid of chemotherapy than of the illness itself. This aggressive treatment also puts a heavy strain on body and mind.
Some doctors therefore call chemotherapy a sledge-hammer used for repairing a delicate clockwork. (ÖR, Mittagsjournal, Jan 1st, 1996). Orthodox medicine reaches its limits. New, innovatice concepts are in demand.
A life worth living as focus of all measures
"The combination of traditionel ways of healing with modern treatments like the magnetic field method provides the basis for good results",
says alternative practitioner Herbert Ziesse.
In 1996 a female patient with lung-cancer contacted the naturopathy practice. Doctors had prognosed a life-expectancy of six months at
most for her. Now the woman undergoes a total detoxication every year - meanwhile nine years.
A complex concept of cancer treatment in the naturopathy practice
The naturopractice Herbert Ziesse uses different healing methods in order to maximise the biological rate of tumor-cell-obliteration.
Big successes are archieved with the oxygen-ionic therapy. The carbonic-acid-ozone-therapy is used in total-body-detoxication. Other
pillars of the treatment concept are the treatment with organic therapeutic agents as well as the magnetic field therapy.